Monday, October 19, 2009

transformers night (and how the blow up group pretty much kicked ass)

just a lovely selection of photographs (thanks to Adrian, Sajeev and Norman, slightly photoshopped!) - although i doubt this will ever do justice to the level of spectacle seen on that night.

also: big congrats to fellow blow-up team Nom-inflate for taking out the competiton :D

test run on thursday night

sneak preview of the beginning of the event :) more to come shortly.

the entrance to gertrude

gertrude steals level 4

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

construction on level 3 and final grasshopper definition

grasshopper definition illustrating plan drawing modelling technique and panelling size control

Sunday, October 11, 2009

Details for Mammoth Gertrude

Exploring surface detailing in regards to the transition from bubble wrap mid- water to Black building film deep water.

Saturday, October 10, 2009

Pre Social Space lighting

Currently we have 3 main 'sections' to our installation.
The one that i have been focused on currently is the area between the 'rough sea' entrance and the calm big open 'social' space.

The whole idea behind this piece of light is the effect that a sea swell has on the human body.. So essentially the light is meant to be a form of 'horizon' and the constant movement... you get the idea. Now how do we make it.

Think about how to accomplish the effect..
Model and Render it..

Get 5.50m of 14mm hollow tube steel...

Get a window wiper motor + setup (no point in reinventing the wheel..[for the pivots]) [This one is from a Ford Ka]

Cut into preplanned pieces..

Weld pieces together..

Weld motor to frame and experiment in getting the pivot right..

The light long light is attached with a 4x2 piece of timber and, the wiper motor runs on a 12v battery [with a electronic ballast to slow movement, to a soft swell ;)]

Have a good look at your hard work and appreciate the fact no-one will see how the effect is accomplished..

[More to follow, including what the effect will actually look like in the installation]

/ros edit: final lighting system used for the midwater section below - additionally, kudos to Tam for getting the glowsticks for the deepwater section, they worked very well!

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

At first there was nothing...

but plastic on a table...

.. Then the was a box with lots of intricate pieces that have labels on them..

Thursday, October 1, 2009

ros's stuff

Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Fluro holder, Take 2

Fluro Stand - Horizontal

Sunday, September 27, 2009

midwater progress

it is most efficient for us to, rather than unrolling the full section, to split the section into two so to create 2 tapered panels at max width 1m (the min width of the rolls of plastic we have)

Friday, September 25, 2009

Entry Concept

white water concepts

a model of the white water mass/pattern

width varies height.
height varies movement.

seams are visible from the inside: joints become decoration.